Insurance Planning
What is Insurance Planning? Whether you know it or not, you are already doing some form of insurance planning. You are probably already managing your risks with auto, health, home, flood, earthquake or other property insurance. You may have life, disability, or long term care insurance, individually or through your work. Most of us strive for the right balance between the ability to live with a certain amount of risk and the confidence we may or may not have to replace or minimize the impact of loss. Our comprehensive insurance planning can help you in these areas.
We can assist you with assessing your risks, determining your level of risk tolerance, discovering appropriate insurance solutions, and implementing a cost effective insurance strategy.
A well designed insurance plan can help protect you from financial disaster. In designing your plan, we’ll consider:
What are your financial and family goals?
Are you properly insured currently?
Are your coverage limits enough to meet your needs?
What insurance is a necessity and what is a luxury in your case?
Does your insurance carrier have the financial stability to pay claims?
Do you have a disaster recovery plan?
During the insurance planning process, we will analyze your current needs, coverage limits and carrier quality in:
Medical insurance
Long term care insurance
Disability insurance
Property and casualty insurance
Liability insurance
Life insurance
Five steps are involved in developing your insurance plan:
Analyze your coverage needs
Determine if there are any deficiencies in coverage
Analyze the quality of your current carriers.
Determine appropriate alternatives
Make recommendations.
Consider life insurance as an example. Life insurance is primarily intended to cushion the negative financial effects on your family in the case of your untimely death. An insurance amount paid upon your death could be used for/to:
Normal daily expenses
Pay off your mortgage
Provide for tuition expenses for your children
Help with the costs of continuing to run a family business
Fund your spouse’s retirement
Pay for final expenses (funeral costs, medical bills, taxes, debts, lawyers' fees, etc.)
Continue the support of any beneficiary — including non-profits
In addition to an amount paid upon death, certain policies permit cash to accumulate while deferring taxes.
Whether part of a comprehensive Financial Plan or as a separate Insurance Plan, we are here to assist you in designing a strategy that fits with your personal and financial goals